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Technology Enhanced Learning Award

Technology Enhanced Learning Award 2023

We are thrilled to share some exciting news from the heart of Point Blank Music School: we have been honoured with the Technology Enhanced Learning Award at this year’s Independent Higher Education (IHE) Awards 2023. This accolade is a testament to our unwavering dedication to providing exceptional education in the realms of music and technology. Winning this award is particularly noteworthy as it recognises educational institutions that excel in integrating technology to enrich learning experiences. With a competitive field of over 50 nominees, our success in clinching this award highlights our role as a leader in innovative music education.

The essence of our award-winning approach is exemplified in our new BSc (Hons) Music Systems Engineering Degree. This unique program blends the intricacies of music with the precision of technology, offering students an immersive experience in audio technology programming and VST music software development. Our nomination in the ‘Supporting Student Success’ category is equally significant. It underscores our deep commitment to nurturing each student’s educational journey, ensuring they are well-equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of the music industry.