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ABLETON LIVE 11 6-Week Course

Course Outline—Ableton Live 11

Week 1: Building a Beat with Loops & Drum Rack

 Discover the importance of drums in music and explore how to add drums in Ableton Live 11 using a combination of loops and by programming MIDI with Drum Rack.

Week 2: Adding Instrumental Parts

 Create chord progressions and discover the power of Instrument Rack to bring your tracks to life. Discover how manipulate melodic loops with Ableton Live 11’s powerful audio editing tools.

Week 3: Adding a Bass Line

Explore Ableton Live 11’s vast instrument library and learn how to add a chest thumping bass line to your track.

Week 4: Working with Simpler

 Learn to sample like a pro by chopping up and creating new vocal melodies with Ableton Live 11’s sampler instrument, Simpler.

Week 5: Arranging Your Song

Discover the theories and best practices for arranging your song.

Week 6: Creating a Basic Mix

Get your tracks sounding the best by exploring techniques used by professional sound engineers.

Download Week 1

If you would like to request the remaining 5 weeks of the course then please contact us at outreach@pointblankmusicschool.com.